Because your Horse deserves the best feed in the world!

Genesis™ Organic Horse Feed, is grown with wisdom and care by farmers who use organic farming methods in harmony with nature. Genesis™ is made with human grade ingredients and does not contain Molasses, Animal by products, Soy or GMO, and is free of chemicals and pesticides.

Genesis™ is presented as a whole grain mix not of the pelletized form. All ingredients have been conditioned to easy digestibility without compromising the natural integrity of the ingredients. You can see what you are feeding your horse, no hidden ingredients and no secret formulas.



Genesis Products

Genesis™ Performance Plus is an excellent product for race horses, jumpers, 3-day eventers and other athletes

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Our goal is to provide pure wholesome feed, while restoring soil fertility and preserving the sources of life for future generations.

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About Us

Poplar Valley Organic Farms successfully markets certified organic grain, legumes, oilseed and Genesis™ certified organic feed worldwide.

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Our Certifications

Genesis™ certified organic horse feed products have been developed to provide animal owners with a product that is healthy.

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The use of GENESIS™ is licensed to Poplar Valley Organic Farms, Inc. by agreement with Puresource, Inc.